AKA Essie Bright Tights
If I were out hunting with Dick Cheney, I would wear this color to avoid getting bird shot to the face. Just sayin.
That being said, if I came across some chick wearing tights this color, I would more than likely point and laugh.... OR take her on the hunting trip with me. Hmmm.
Cost: Essie - retails for $8. Limited availability in drugstores and Giant Eagle, Ulta. Also available online at essie.com and transdesign.com. I got this for 50% at the website mentioned, Essie is 50% all of September.
Application: Well, ...it's a neon. It applied ok for a neon, but typical to neons, it was a little streaky, it pulled and made bald spots in areas and took multiple coats to even out (not entirely, either). It was also very thin, which caused some cuticle pooling. Please remember that I have been described (by my lovely boyfriend) as impetuous, so perhaps if one waits more than 30 seconds between coats, it will apply better :-)
What I used: 1 coat of Nailtek II, 4 coats of Bright Tights, 1 coat of Seche Vite.
Dry time: Neons dry semi-matte and dry quickly. So quickly, in fact, that you have to work very fast when putting it on to prevent it building up over areas you already covered.
Color: Bright, neon, hunter's orange.
Best post title ever for an orange polish. I have nothing else to say.